Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Unstandardized Choropleth Map


Unstandardized refers to maps that are not standardized.  For example above, the numbers are raw percentages instead of equal categorical values.  There are more shades of red than blue, there are no even amount of intervals.  The above map shows the election outcome for John Kerry and George Bush in 2004.


The univariate is probably the most used choropleth map.  It is easily the most understood and read map.  It only uses one variable.  The above map shows the income in the United States between each state.

Family Tree

A family tree is a form of a flow chart.  In fact it is a map of geneology, but in a flow of generations.  The above map is an example how each person has a previous ancestor.


A timeline acts as a map "of time."  It can map out a persons life such as the above timeline does for Benjamin Franklin or it can map out almost anything in the world, nation, city, book, etc. 

Overlap Circle Graph

A circle graph that overlaps is a type of graph that shows two different variables and their common ground.  A graph can act as a map in ways that it shows the reader where, in this instance, their common grounds meet.  It informs as any other kind of map would.  Above shows an example of a "foundation" looking to what they want to provide and what their community needs.  The overlap shows which of both are similar; in otherwords how the foundation can help the community.

Isotach Map

Isotach maps are maps that show winds and the correlation between speeds and region.  The above map shows the wind contours in the United States.

Isopach Map

Above, The rainbow contours correspond to thickness of overburden sediment on the ocean floor and the increasingly pink colors represent greater sediment thickness.  Isopach maps measure the areal extent and thickness variation of a stratigraphic unit.