Friday, October 21, 2011

Mental Map
The above map is called a Mental Map.  It is a map that evolves from the mind of a human.  Each person has their own ways to mental map.  "A mental map can best be explained as a visual display, inside a person's head, showing where a person has traveled" (fedstats).  Mental maps consist of the knowledge one has personally gained.  The maps might include things that are of interest to that person.  For instance, a boy who loves fishing might draw a lake he walks by on the way to school, while a girl who loves flowers draws the garden on the way to school.  The above map is a mental map or drawing of a person's vision of a neighborhood they have been to.  It qualifies as a mental map because it is drawn from that of the mind of a person and it includes symbols, names and buildings that the person can remember and/or thinks is important.

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